
Impact of internet use on elderly carers’ mental health


This project is carried out by our postdoctoral researcher Javiera Rosell. It studies the link between the psychological well-being of informal carers over 60 years of age and the use of technologies, both in their daily lives and for tasks related to care.

This research contemplates two stages: in the first stage, a quantitative analysis of the data extracted from a survey on quality of life in old age will be carried out, comparing carers and non-carers over 60 years of age; in the second stage, interviews will be conducted to investigate the uses that caregivers give to technology and their perception of the benefits it has for them.

Specific objectives of the project:

  • Describe the use of the internet in daily life and in care work for informal carers over 60 years of age.
  • Identify what is the perception of the usefulness of internet use in carers over 60 years of age.
  • Characterize the link between the use of technologies and the psychological well-being of caregivers over 60 years of age.
Foto de una mujer mayor de 60 años sonriendo y mirando la pantalla de su teléfono móvil, que sostiene en sus manos.