
New challenges for education in Chile: Independent living for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities


The main objective of this research is to analyze the needs and opportunities to support independent living by adults with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities in order to generate or enhance resources and/or technological strategies to improve the lives of this group in the areas of interdependence, rights, and autonomy.

The methodological approach is framed within an inclusive research model, under a qualitative paradigm and from a socio-critical approach, incorporating participatory action research tasks. The project will be developed in four stages: diagnosis, design and implementation (action), evaluation, and reflection.

The results will be a relevant contribution to knowledge generation in the area of intellectual and/or developmental disabilities in Chile. This knowledge will not only relate to theoretical elements but will provide empirical evidence of supports for the promotion of independent living in this group. All this, with the ultimate goal of improving the quality of life of this population.

Researchers involved: Vanessa Vega (MICARE), Katherine Exss, Izaskun Álvarez-Aguado, Herbert Spencer, and Marcela Jarpa. FONDECYT.

Dos jóvenes con discapacidad intelectual con trajes de judo. Uno de ellos está en una silla de ruedas.