
Chile is the most aged country in Latin America

Foto de un hombre mayor con mascarilla y guantes sentado en una banca al sol, junto a un carro para hacer compras.
In an interview with Radio Bío Bío, our research associate María Beatriz Fernández referred to the study by the Center for Public Studies (CEP, for its acronym in Spanish), “Long-term care: lessons from comparative evidence.” Here the details.

By Gabriela Campillo.

“Chile is the most aged country in Latin America. We need a National Caregiving System that involves not only elderly persons but also their families, caregivers, and all the stakeholders that comprise this caregiving network,” said María Beatriz Fernández, MICARE research associate and academic at the UC Institute of Sociology on Radio Bío Bío’s “Hoy en la Radio”’ program.

Listen to the full interview (in Spanish):

Audio credits: Litoral Press.