

DiscaPaís is a project financed by the Inclusive Territorial Participation Programme, which promotes initiatives that provide knowledge and skills to organizations of, and for, people with disabilities.

The aim? Provide tools so that people can participate in the various mechanisms provided by the State and local public institutions, along with promoting the development of these organizations.

The project was joined by Marcela Tenorio, alternate director of MICARE and academic at Universidad de los Andes; Andrés Aparicio, associate researcher at MICARE; Paulina Arango, MICARE associate researcher and UAndes academic; Pablo Marshall, adjunct researcher at MICARE and academic at the Universidad Austral de Chile; Florencia Herrera, adjunct researcher at MICARE and academic at Diego Portales University; Camila Peralta, researcher and academic at Diego Portales University; and Alfonso Fergusson, researcher specializing in social projects and finance.

“DiscaPaís” was implemented in 2022 across 12 regions in Chile. The project included a leadership training program for individuals with disabilities and their families or support networks, in collaboration with the National Disability Service (SENADIS). As a result, territorial leadership schools were established, an application was developed to provide information on healthcare services, education, legal support, and job opportunities for these groups, and a collection of leadership stories for children and teenagers with disabilities was created. This material will be available soon.

If you want to know more about the Inclusive Territorial Participation Programme, click here.

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