
MICARE is already working on Chile’s National Care System

On Thursday, April 6, MICARE officially joined the Advisory Committee that will accompany the social dialogues, which together will be a pillar of the most important public policy project on care in our country.

Autoridades y participantes del evento de lanzamiento del programa "Hablemos de Cuidado" saludando. Se encuentran los ministros Jackson y Orellana, además de la subsecretaria de Desarrollo Social, Francisca Perales, y la alcaldesa de Viña del Mar, entre otros.

“Hablemos de Cuidados” is the name of the process that will bring together academia, social organizations and authorities to obtain the basis of what will be sent as a project for the National Care System. The objective is to find the broadest possible consensus in order that the bill gets the largest social validation possible.

The “Hablemos de Cuidados” process will feature a series of sectoral dialogues and also territorial dialogues. These will be two per region, except in the RM, and the Biobío and Valparaíso regions, where there will be four. There will also be self-convened meetings, which will be open to the communities and will only require uploading the minutes to the process website. If you want to learn more about how it will work, access the website

MICARE, as a member of the Advisory Committee, will have the role of accompanying and supporting the process of implementing dialogues at the territorial and national levels. We will seek to contribute to making the voices and contents visible in the best way.